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Ancient knowledge written by Drunvalo Melchizedek, translated from the English original into Croatian.
All life in the universe once knew the Flower of Life as the pattern of creation—the geometric pattern that guides us into and out of physical existence. Then, after a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. The secret has been stored in ancient objects and drawings around the world for thousands of years, and is encoded in the cells of all living things. Now we are awakening from this dream, shaking off the old, outdated beliefs of our mind and sensing the golden light of a new dawn coming through the windows of perception.
This book is one of those windows.
In it, Drunvalo Melchizedek presents the first half of the Flower of Life workshop through texts and drawings, sheds light on the mysteries of its origin, why the world was created in such a way and the subtle energies that allow our consciousness to blossom into true beauty. Sacred geometry is a form at the core of our being and points to the divine order in our reality. We can follow this order from the invisible atom to the infinite stars and find ourselves at every step. This information is one-line, but between the lines and drawings there is a woman’s gem of intuitive understanding.
You can sense that spark in some of these provocative ideas:
Explore the wonder of our existence by wandering through a wonderland of geometry, science, ancient history and new discoveries through the eyes of Drunval’s expanded vision and the Flower of Life. In the second part, he explores in more detail the Mer-Ka-Be, the energy field of the human light body with a diameter of 15 meters. This knowledge leads to ascension and the world of the next dimension. The flower of life is a hologram of wholeness. The symbol of the flower of life consists of symmetrical individual circles that overlap to form the seed of life, but as a whole they form one large flower. Each aspect is related to all others; it is a multidimensional hologram of wholeness and unity.
Jednom je sav život u svemiru poznavao Cvijet Života kao uzorak kreacije – geometrijski crtež koji nas vodi unutar i van fizičkog postojanja. Onda smo nakon vrlo visokog stanja svijesti, pali u tamu i zaboravili tko smo. Tajna je tisućama godina bila čuvana na drevnim predmetima i crtežima širom svijeta i kodirana u stanicama svega živog. Sada se budimo iz tog sna, otresajući stara, ustajala uvjerenja naših umova i naslućujemo zlatno svjetlo nove zore koja stiže kroz prozore percepcije.
Ova knjiga je jedan od tih prozora.
U njoj Drunvalo Melchizedek, kroz tekstove i crteže, predstavlja prvu polovicu radionice Cvijet Života, osvjetljavajući misterije njegova nastanka, zašto je svijet stvoren na takav način i suptilne energije koje dozvoljavaju našoj svijesti da procvjeta u istinsku ljepotu. Sveta Geometrija je forma u srži našeg bića i ukazuje na božanski red u našoj realnosti. Taj red možemo slijediti sve od nevidljivog atoma do beskonačnih zvijezda, a sebe pronalazimo na svakom koraku. Ova informacija je jedna staza, ali među recima i crtežima leži ženski dragulj intuitivnog razumijevanja.
Tu iskru možete naslutiti u nekim od ovih provokativnih ideja:
Istražite čudo našeg postojanja vrludajući čudesnom zemljom geometrije, nauke, drevne povijesti i novih otkrića promatranim očima proširene Drunvalove vizije i Cvijeta Života. U Drugom dijelu detaljnije se bavi istraživanjem Mer-Ka-Be, energetskog polja ljudskog svjetlosnog tijela promjera 15 metara. To znanje vodi prema uzašašću i svijetu naredne dimenzije. Cvijet života je hologram cjelovitosti.Simbol Cvijeta Života sastoji se od simetričnih individualnih krugova koji se preklapaju, čineći sjeme života i u cjelini tvore jedan veliki cvijet. Svaki aspekt je povezan sa svim drugima; to je višedimenzionalni hologram cjeline i jedinstva.
Language: Croatian
No. pages: 230
Dimensions: 21.5×25.5 cm
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Translation: Igor Lah
Release year: 2013
ISBN: 978-953-7907-10-5
Weight | 0,600 kg |