5-dnevna delavnica – AWAKENING THE ILLUMINATED HEART – vodi LU KA

ONLINE Awakening the Illuminated Heart – ZOOM live – JULY 2020

Date and time: 1. 5. july 2020, 0.00 – 0.00
Location: ZOOM Online platform
Price: 222 USD-333 USD for 4 days, 77-99 USD for day 5


“Dear soul.

Thank you for your interest in the Heart awakening workshops. Together we can flow through the beautiful and subtle waves of the heart and remember how easy it is to live from your Heart and to activate your Merkaba on a natural way. Maybe the time has come when we meet again on our road of Remembering who we really are.”

In service to all Life everywhere in the Universe,

Lu Ka


Location: ZOOM Online platform
Language: English

Recording: No recording option will be enabled. However, LuKa will provide guided meditations for you to listen after the workshop.
And if you can’t join the whole workshop LIVE:
There will be a non-downloadable posibility for you to rewatch the workshop’s missing parts for a limited time.





The workshop will be in English with background simultaneous translation into Cantonese and Korean.

Please also register on the School of Remembering (www.theschoolofremembering.net)



July 1-5, 2020 (5 day workshop)
There will be an EXTRA DAY (ATIH Review & Cosmic Grace)
on July 5, 2020 (1 day workshop)

9:00 – 17:45 CET (Central Europe time, Paris, Ljubljana, Zagreb…)
8:00 – 16:45 GMT+1 (London time)

3pm-11:45 pm GMT+8 (Hong Kong time)
12:00 am (Midnight)-8:45 am PACIFIC time (San Francisco, Vancouver time…)
3am-11:45 am DST (New York time)


4-day workshop (day 1-4)
– 222 USD for repeating students (from any ATIH teacher)
– 333 USD for new students

Extra day 5 (ATIH REVIEW & COSMIC GRACE) – only for students who have taken the 4 day workshop with Lu Ka at any time
– 77 USD for repeating students (who have already attended DAY 5 with LuKa)
– 99 USD for new students



What is included:

– 8-9 hours of workshop every day (we will have some shorter breaks, and one 45-60 minutes break)

Default payment is through PAYPAL, DEBIT or CREDIT CARD.

If you would like to pay through Bank, please send us an email to: [email protected].

After your payment we will send you by email the following:

– ZOOM installation instructions

– Detailed timings and requirements

– There is no video or audio recording allowed


YOU WILL NEED A MEDITATION MASK, a notebook and a pen.

It’s great if you can gather more people joining together, to enhance the experience of this workshop, as some exercises are best done in pairs or in groups.

The price is for 1 ZOOM access. For every extra person there is 100 USD extra.

Please respect the local government rules about gatherings.


Looking forward to see you in the Tiny space of the Heart.

In Lak’ech,




(Lu Ka, Antalope Canyon, 2018)



– Lu Ka completed Drunvalo’s School of Remembering® in 2013 and is a licensed teacher of the workshop Awakening the Illuminated Heart®.
– Lu Ka is an author of the “Shamanic Heart Healing®” workshops which extends from beginner Level 1 to teacher training Level 5. – He has also assisted on Drunvalo’s new workshops: “Cosmic Grace – Return to Source!” and “The Way to Do is to Be“.
So far, he has facilitated more than 150+ “Awakening the illuminated Heart®” workshops and more than 50+ “Shamanic Heart Healing®” workshops. Occasionally he creates smaller events and one day workshops.
– Lu Ka is also leading the “Awakening Heart Sacred Journeys” to Egypt, Sedona AZ, Peru and other sacred locations.
– Upon the call of the Higher Self he is also available for one-on-one private sessions, which include Shamanic Heart Healing®, Consulting and Imagery.
– Lu Ka is mostly teaching in Asia and Europe. His schedule is really full, as he teaches almost every week of the year.

For student’s testimonials click here.




About LuKa:
Lu Ka was born in the Heart of Europe, in a small country called Slovenia. In the year 1994, when he was 11 (going through the 11.11 portal) he experienced a near death experience and he went to the world beyond this one and came back. After that he started to realize he can talk to crystals and trees. He started to work with his dreams and meditations on daily basis. And slowly he remembered his mission here on Earth and some of his lives in other star systems and dimensions…

How Lu Ka describes his life today: “I help people to remember what they already know. People call me a teacher, but actually I am more of a catalyst of awakening. I create workshops where we can remember and experience Oneness through our Hearts. And I am doing what I was doing even before I came to this planet, I am bringing people to sacred places to reconnect to their true nature and to help them with their awakening.”

(Lu Ka & Drunvalo, Sedona 2019)







1 julija @ 09:00 — 5 julija @ 18:00
09:00 — 18:00 (105h)

Preko spleta

Lu Ka


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Naša fizična trgovina in razstava v Ljubljani sta odprti od PONEDELJKA do SOBOTE med 11-19h, ob nedeljah in praznikih prazniki zaprto. Prostore pa je možno najeti za dogodke kadarkoli.

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