Radical Honesty Weekend

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA66488UlFc”]

The FIRST Radical Honesty Weekend Workshop EVER IN SLOVENIA is a playground for us to experiment with telling the truth out loud.
This means building greater awareness of and speaking with more clarity about whatever arises for us in the moment in a simple,direct, and congruent way.
Through direct sharing, we can see how we have held ourselves back from creating the relationships we want, having the intimacy we crave, and living the lives of our dreams.
Radical Honesty principles and skills are taught in a planned, experiential sequence to support us in telling the truth and sticking with whatever comes up.

We want you to leave the weekend with a new set of communication skills and freedom from obsessive thinking.

Led by certified Trainer Michael Alan Kolb and by certified Trainer Candidate Hannah Schrems

Register: https://forms.gle/xGiK6C7HAFsVSo2A9

10 septembra @ 18:30 — 12 septembra @ 18:00
18:30 — 18:00 (47h 29′)


Hannah & Michael


Naroči se na e-novice

Prijavite se na naše tedenske in mesečne novice in ugodnosti

Kje nas najdete?

Naša fizična trgovina in razstava v Ljubljani sta odprti od PONEDELJKA do SOBOTE med 11-19h, ob nedeljah in praznikih prazniki zaprto. Prostore pa je možno najeti za dogodke kadarkoli.

prijavite se na naše tedenske in mesečne novice in ugodnosti